Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 6: The world is in me

by Sara S. Nichols, religious science practitioner (RScP)

I'm working through round 2 of Deepak Chopra's "synchrodestiny" daily meditations from The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence. There's a different meditation each of 7 days, and then you rinse and repeat as needed. Get the book to really follow along. There's so much in it that I'm not going to cover.

After meditating for 20 minutes using the "so hum" breathing technique (breath in through your nose thinking "so" and out through your nose thinking "hum") I focussed on today's principle: Shiva Shakti which means, I am not in the world, the world is in me.

I am both attracted and repelled by this notion. It comes at an odd time for me. Lately I have been working to pull back from the idea that I am responsible for the entire world. I have been focusing on establishing peace, harmony and prosperity in myself, so that I might share those gifts with others. But I don't think that Chopra's principle here is about taking responsibility for the world. It's more about knowing that everything I do and say affects everything else. It's about an awareness that I am connected to all I see.

A word about an aftershock I experienced from yesterday's Sutra regarding emotional freedom. I had a dream last night that I had this big physical ugly screaming fight with an old nemesis of mine and was running from him. I ran to escape his wrath and as I found my children and asked them to hide me, who should I run into but Don Perata (current leader of the California state Senate) whom I consider another problematic figure (long story which my children sum up with the phrase "she's persona non grata with Don Perata"). I woke up in terror with heart pounding.

As I was looking at the dream, I realized that perhaps what I was really fearing was my emotions about these guys (the guilt, fear, resentment) and not the men themselves. The truth is that once issuing the order to ban me from the office, Don Perata has probably not given me a second thought. I, however, have thought a lot about my banishment--I resent it. I think it's unfair. I don't deserve it.

This, my friends, is NOT emotional freedom. Thank you to my dreams for pointing out an area where I am still being chased.

If things are challenging today, here is a Sutra statement: imagine that you are both masculine and feminine, if you choose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also have started the Chopra meditations that you are referring to in this blog and was intrigued by your statement. I felt an higher sense of peace using the "so hum" breathing concept. I have been doing the diaphragm breathing meditation for over a year now. As far as your dream are you aware of The Emotional Freedom Technique called EFT? If you are having some inner anxiety about men and past situations you can use EFT to balance this unbalanced energy. Go to for more info on EFT. Please note: I didn't look at your website so this would be some thing silly for me to post if you were an avid EFT'er already. I apologize if this is the case.