Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Believing It: We are Whole, Perfect and Complete By Teri West, Producer, The Truth About Us

If I choose, I can focus on my faults and shortcomings. I have several, as most of us do. I find that the days that I make that choice are pretty miserable as the 'Inner Critic' has been given free reign and feels it necessary to create an inner dictation in my mind that lists the shortcomings over and over and over.

Today, I choose to focus on my success. The ways that I am beautiful and loving to those around me. My accomplishments. My desires. I SEE that I am Whole, Perfect and Complete. My 'Inner Critic' says, no you're not--you have all those shortcomings! Yes, I do have shortcomings, but that doesn't change the fact that I am Whole, Perfect and Complete just as I am. I am the image of God, how could that not be perfect? Recognizing that, I am strengthened to love myself, love others, enjoy my day. If I can do this daily, the beautiful, loving and successful part of me grows. It continues to grow until those shortcomings either disappear, or become so irrelevant that they may as well disappear.

Choose to see yourself as great today and you will have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's refreshing to see something that's not "celebrity" ridden/driven...just regular people.
A great movie with a great roadmap.
There IS hope for US.