Saturday, March 15, 2008

Day 6: I am giving birth to the gods and goddesses inside me

Day 6 Deepak Chopra's daily meditations on how to discover your "Synchrodestiny" out of his book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence.

After meditating for 20 minutes using the "so hum" breathing technique (breath in through your nose thinking "so" and out through your nose thinking "hum") I focussed on today's principle: Shiva-Shakti which means I am giving birth to the gods and goddesses inside me; they express all their attributes and powers through me

The basic concept on this one is that I embrace both the masculine and the feminine and all the faces of God and they can all express themselves through me.

If things are challenging today, here is a Sutra statement: Imagine that you are an enlightened being with infinite compassion.

Which is totally easy for me, as long as I have no interactions with anyone. Well, actually, then I'd feel guilty. It's impossible (but to be striven for!).

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