Tuesday, March 4, 2008

We are enough by Sara S. Nichols, RScP

The truth about us is that we are enough. We are smart enough, cute enough, wealthy enough, thin enough, and most of all loveable enough just as we are (and dammit, people like us!). Yet, ironically, the new thought movement is filled with people who got into it because they came to believe that something was lacking in their lives.

I have spent many years lamenting my many faults, beating myself up for all the ways in which I fall short. I started my strong pursuit of a spiritual path because I wanted to improve, my looks, my wealth, my relationships, my health, my treatment of others--everything!

What I found out is that I am whole, perfect and complete exactly as I am right now. That the way to greater love, money, health and joy is through gratitude for what I already have.

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