Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Truth Is In Us

The truth about us is that the truth is in us. Truth is an experience. It is not something we learn. In fact we must unlearn to get to the truth. Peel away your faulty thinking and misperceptions and you will find the truth about you. You are what you are seeking. Your being is a field of intelligence beyond the scope of your limited rational mind and preconceived notions of reality.

To access your truth you must pierce the veil of unreality to get to the core of your being. Your being is a field of unlimited energy and infinite possibility. You are a universe unto yourself. The way to awaken to this fact is to look within. Everything you need is inside of you. You're the power. Stop seeking your identity and knowledge through people, places, and things. These things are all of the ego.

The law of attraction is much more than wishing for cars and money. When you align with the truth of your being, you will enter the flow. Life becomes effortless. You are given what you need. All you must do is surrender to the flow and ask. Open yourself up to the field and your world will become limitless. Life becomes your playing field. Instead of reacting to the dream, you are creating it.

1 comment:

The Truth About Us said...

Beautifully said! Thank you! Teri